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July – 2020

What are Your Teachable Moments?

“Barefoot Season?” No, not yet.

Is it possible there was a reason that I was taught to wait for the right time to go barefoot during the summer? My mother certainly thought it was necessary. Going barefoot was one of my fun things to do, as I shared in the Chapter, “Barefoot Season.” I learned “for everything there is a season,” including when I could go barefoot. 

Today, as we move forward and walk into the unknown, we ask, “is it time to go freely?” No, not yet. A COVID-19 pandemic can teach us many lessons if we are open to learning. For some reason, I am reminded of the childhood lesson, “no, not yet” for going barefoot. Today I think about it when I get ready to hug and shake hands with someone, “no, not yet.” May I go without a mask? “No, not yet.” Whether I go barefoot at the right time when the earth is warm, and the snowball bushes bloom, I have to decide. If I don’t want to hear, “no, not yet,” I need to consider what is essential to do now for myself and others. Wearing a mask isn’t all that difficult to do.


  Question for you: What were you taught as a young person that you can apply today? 

6 Comments on “”

  1. Thank you for sharing your insights on “No, not yet,” which I definitely experienced a lot of as I was growing up. One of the thrills that comes to mind is not about me, but about my son, who was about 4 years old when he decided he wanted to pick out his clothing for the day. He put on little kid sweatpants that had a very lively design and a plaid shirt. I just didn’t have the heart to make him change, and it was the weekend, so we weren’t going anywhere, so I let him wear the cacophony of color. It delighted us both. But it was definitely a time of “No, not yet,” (without some parental guidance) when more formal appearances were involved.

  2. I love the story and connection to what we are experiencing as humans right now and the “no, not now” reminded me of many lessons. One lesson in particular, as a teenager I really wanted to sell my artwork. A friend had opened up a store, She honored me by asking me to put some of my handprinted items in her store- I was thrilled with excitement because I was working in a “cottage” industry painting items for a studio in Bradford getting paid .50 cents per item. The job was for a woman who had a mail order business and sold to some of the finest stores in New York and California. I set out to create a few of my own “designs” and away I went. However, the reality of “No, not yet” hit when I was surprised to see my work being “recreated” by my “friend” for sale in her store. It hurt, was very painful but, it was a very valuable lesson! I knew deep down that I wasn’t ready to venture out and I had much to learn by the seasoned artist and teacher. I took the wisdom for granted that I was learning at a very young age and now I see at a very cheap price! Forty some years later, reflecting on “teachable moments” from the wise woman business owner I worked for and admired.
    Thank you so much Sandy for not only sharing your wisdom but honoring me with the opportunity to be the artisan and illustrator of your book and the friend of a lifetime. Best wishes on the blog features of your fabulous website.

    • Thank you, Kara, for sharing. Our life lessons can be very difficult sometimes but we can learn from those lessons. You certainly didn’t let that experience get in the way from moving on and finding your way. You are amazing and your artwork is beautiful.

  3. So glad to get your blog Sandy! And where I picked up what we are being called upon to practice today, I am not sure but it is a blessing to be able to cooperate and practice what is required to live with our present reality. Our younger grand=daughter just moved to Boston to begin a Master’s Program in Psychology and it made me uncomfortable on many fronts but one big relief for this grandmother is that EVERYone there always wears masks in public…..at least she has not seen anyone without one. And they practice social distancing (and they seem to be keeping the virus at bay).
    There is so much for us all to learn and practice and I think in the long run it will make us stronger and more compassionate and hopefully draw us closer together across racial, political and economic lines. …may it be so. SO good to hear from you!!

    • Hello Ruth, thank you for sharing. I can appreciate that you are concerned about your granddaughter. I wish all good things for her, keeping safe and well. This crisis has touched each of us on some level. Oh, to make the right choices, taking care of ourselves and being respectful of others. It does take practice when it comes to thinking of others and caring. I think we are here to do just that. Best wishes to you and your family as we continue to move forward.

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