September – 2020

Teachable Moments – A Woman’s Journey of Self-Discovery
Section – “School Years.”

                                                                 Illustrated by Kara Rose                                                                     

What has changed?

Indeed, this will be a September to remember!  It is common to think of School, students, teachers and the end of summer. I was thinking about how School has changed over the decades.  What are some of the changes? The one-room schoolhouse still exists but have decreased from 190,000 in 1919 to fewer than 400 today. In the U.S., most of these schools are in the mid-west towns and rural areas. ( For me, I had mostly good experiences going to a one-room schoolhouse. The most important lessons I learned were to work together and support each other. Education was a group effort.

Technology has changed us forever. We have a generation of students who held technology in their hands soon after they were born. I remember looking forward to having new pencils, erasers, and notebooks. Even though we still have those items we now have computers, ipads, and laptops. And, of course, the ubiquitous smartphones!

Change happens every year, but this September, we are all experiencing very challenging adjustments. This September I’m feeling for our teachers, professors, parents and students. In some incidents, homeschooling is out of necessity because of COVID-19.  Parents have to juggle their work more than ever, and the stress level is very high for many. I trust they will receive the support they need and that we all can be helping in some way.

If you read my Section on “School Years,” you will know I had my challenges. Change often brings challenges, and the test is how we handle each situation.

Question: What are some of your unforgettable memories from your school years? Challenges? Changes? 





4 Comments on “September – 2020”

  1. Indeed a September to pause and reflect…Love your blog!

    Question: What are some of your unforgettable memories from your school years?
    My most unforgettable memories come from the rituals in the start of each new school year. It was the chance to go to specialty stores in town, like “Jack and Jill” to pick out a new outfit. I am grateful for the clothes I had to wear to school. There will be many this year making sacrifices unlike any before which may exclude school shopping.

    I especially loved walking to school (which was a little over a half mile) and paid close attention to the patrol keeping us safe and in a straight line..yelling “Walkers” every so often as we made our way to school. Mostly, the anticipation of meeting the new teacher with flowers in hand to present to her. Being so excited to open my desk to find the brand new box of Crayola crayons with my name on them! Sheer Joy! Brand new crayons in beautiful colors. Challenges? Being the smallest in my class and being sick at home for many months at a time in early elementary years was also a challenge as I loved school and hated to be absent. Most likely, this was when I began to use my imagination the most. When I was home pretending to be in school. I hope our youngsters can learn even more this year wherever they are and with whatever challenges they face. Changes? Lots…so many I cannot keep count…but the memories are those that will never change and I cherish them all so much.

    Thank you to all of the amazing teachers past and present that know how to make learning relevant to what their students and they must face. Please, Never underestimate how your role as a teacher is vital and impacts the lives of so many!
    These teachable moments that remain inside of us forever and help us to adapt, grow and flourish.

    Your book is such an inspiration and no better time to read it and enjoy than NOW…thank you so very much…..

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