November – 2020

“Lessons from Wild Geese”

“If we all have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong.” – Dr. RoberMcNeish.

 The story about the wild geese, which I shared in my book, is an excellent reminder for us today.  To see the geese in flight, helping each other when needed, is incredible. When the leader becomes tired, she flies back in line, and another one takes the lead. Simple kindness and caring for each other is pure Love. Nature can teach us many lessons if we take time to observe.

We live in uncertain times. Many people feel stressed and exhausted, having to deal with many difficult issues. Story after story, we hear how more people are homeless, many standing in line for food and not knowing what to do after having to close their business.

When was the last time I reached out to help someone and offered support? Living in these challenging times, it helps when we stay connected and walk with others who are suffering. Working together and helping each other on life’s journey is a gift.

November is here. Could we consider giving support as “we stand by each other,” entering the unknown? We are all in this upside-down world together! Each of us can make a difference!

Question: What examples have you observed when others helped someone? Or, what have you done to make someone’s burden lighter?

Feel free to share your ideas.

May we walk in harmony with our brothers and sisters. 
May our souls fly with angels. 
May our thoughts be wise and our acts kind. 
May peace flow from us. 
May our so-called leaders divine our will. 
May we find balance upon our planet. 
May wisdom guide us.

6 Comments on “November – 2020”

  1. I know this might sound silly, but I thought hard about what to give for Christmas to my brother and sister. We all have everything we need at this point in our lives. I decided I wanted to give something that they would use in the course of regular activities. I wanted it to be something they’d enjoy, but not something that would stick around too long, because at our ages, our homes are full enough. So I went to the Caspari website. Caspari, for those who haven’t seen it, is a manufacturer of really beautiful stationary, wrapping paper, tissue paper, cards, etc. I bought my brother and sister each a large selection of most of what Caspari offers so that during their gift giving throughout next year they will have beautiful wrapping paper, tissue paper, cards, cloth ribbon, etc. to choose from. I thought it would be nice to enhance their experience of giving to others.

  2. Sandy,
    I lead two women’s bible studies. Which right now are not meeting due to the virus. I started three years ago instead of giving gifts that none of us really need at Christmas. I donate to two causes. I will do that again this year. They are Proverbs 31 and WAR Women at Risk.

    • Thank you, Scarlet, for your comments. I was taught that “it is better to give than receive.” I also recently read, “giving, gives your life meaning.” Blessings to you as you continue to reach out and make a difference. 🙂

  3. I love this months writing in your blog. Each month it is amazing how “right on” you have written!!!
    I have been donating my artwork to a variety of non-profit organizations each month. It is a wonderful feeling to help in a small way. I have also volunteered at my church, however, now with times as they are; my service to help with communion are on hold. I trust that when this virus is behind us, I will be of service again. For now, encouraging those on the frontlines with prayer are what I do each and every day.

    Thank you so for being an incredible source of inspiration and education dear Sandy.

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