January – 2021
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”~~Albert Einstein
New Beginnings
I enjoyed seeing 2021 on this page, on the calendar, and the computer. It’s funny how a number can give you a sense of hope. A friend shared, “this past year felt longer than usual and surreal.” I agreed. We were not in the same boat, but we were in the same storm. Each day is a new beginning, but we look at the total picture of those twelve months ahead each new year. Even though COVID is still here, we can continue to dream of getting back to doing what we enjoy. It will be different for each of us, but it is essential not to give up.
Some of us make resolutions for the new year, but I am not one of them. In this season of my life, I aim to live each new day to it’s fullest. I still have goals and lots of interests, but they can change from day today.
With new beginnings, I have unique opportunities to see what I can do to help others. I have no idea what the future holds, but I have faith, and I will hope for the best. Whatever the new year brings us the question remains, how will we deal with each challenge that comes along?
Question: How do you plan to meet the new year? What are some of your ideas for making this world a better place? Each of us can make a difference, I am sure.