May – 2021

What comes to your mind when you think of the month of May? For myself, it is flowers, flowers, flowers! As the saying goes, “April showers bring May Flowers.” My mother often reminded us to be thankful for the rain for the crops and flowers. My childhood memories of my mother’s and my grandmother’s flower gardens were a gift to me. Both helped me to appreciate another part of nature.

For example, when my mother asked me to go to a local farmer’s meadow and pick bluebells, I couldn’t wait. The farmer allowed neighbors to come and pick bouquets. The bluebells glowed in the sunlight, and when it rained, they sparkled.   I got on my bike and rode to the meadow, and picked till my heart’s content. When I brought them home, mother made beautiful bouquets of bluebells with her flowers. I remember seeing flowers in the house throughout the summer.  To this day, I wish I could plant fields of bluebells like that farmer.

Some of my mother’s favorite flowers were the “trumpet vines,” which the hummingbirds frequently visited. I would sit near the bush and watch the hummingbirds. I was fascinated with their little beaks and how they went in and out of the flowers. I recently saw a beautiful hummingbird come to my flowers to let me know they had returned. Hummingbirds mean “Joy,” and they certainly do bring joy to me.

Mother also loved the Hydrangeas. Each year when they bloomed, I was allowed to go barefoot. Mother also loved foxgloves, hollyhock, roses, phlox, lavenders, and peony bushes.

Even though we celebrate many special days during May, I enjoy this month to celebrate LIFE and NATURE. I feel a spiritual connection to all of nature because of the many miracles. 

What comes to your mind when you think of the Month of May?

“Flowers are the music of the ground from earth’s lips spoken without sound.” ~Edwin Curran


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